TSD Book

In 2002, Grandmaster Kang Uk Lee presented Grandmaster Ye Mo Ahn a copy of his new Tang So Do book. The graphic above was handwritten by Master Lee on the inside front cover of the book. Those familiar with the stoic culture of Korean men can fully appreciate the true depth of friendship and mutual respect shared between the two men, as evidenced by this personal note.

The first chapter of this book contains many charts. The one titled "Moo Duk Kwan Family Tree" lists all of the students instructed by Grandmaster Hwang Kee and the students that they in turn instructed and so forth. If you reference this chart you can see that Grandmaster Ye Mo Ahn was instructed by Grandmaster Young Tae Han who was personally instructed by Grandmaster Hwang Kee. Moo Duk Kwan was a close knit family in the 1950s and 1960s. Grandmaster Hwang Kee had direct interactions with Grandmaster Ye Mo Ahn and approved all rank bestowed upon him.

Interestingly enough, in the chart mentioned above you will also find Chuck Norris who appeared in several Bruce Lee movies and later achieved fame in his memorable role as television's Walker Texas Ranger.